Sunday, November 4, 2007


I'm writing this so that I can avoid playing Frenzic. I am so addicted — I'm trying to get ready for this big party at my house next week, and instead of doing laundry and washing dishes and vacuuming and the other four dozen things I need to get done I have spent most of the morning playing this game.

Frenzic is kind of like Tetris in that it's a puzzle game, but the pieces look a lot like those Trivial Pursuit game pie pieces. You have to fit the pieces — which come at you very rapidly (hence the name of the game) — into one of six circles. It is a pain in the ass. A "friend" gave this to me, and then I blew through my free demo time, and now, for the low price of $14, I have signed away all of my free time to this game.

I love it, but it may be killing me. I'm not sure. And yes, I interrupted writing this to play another game.

1 comment:

JSpeer said...

"friend"? Fucking quote-friend-unquote. Somebody is clearly struggling with her emotions.